Trademark registration services
It is important to get Intellectual Property registered in the contemporary business environment. As per the USA trademark system, it is represented by a logo, phrase or a word that indicates the supply of services and goods.
Why get your trademark registered?
- Border Protection: It allows US Customs and Border Protection to restrict imports that infringe the mark or are counterfeits
- Nationwide Protection: It provides you with the exclusive right to use the trademark in connection with your goods and services identified and is recognized nationwide
U.S Patent and Trademark workplace (USPTO) is responsible for Trademark registration within the USA and its administration at the federal level. In addition to this, all states also have their native trademark registration for the companies that operate within a restricted location. We at Global Assist would take care of the filing of USA trademark applications on your behalf, and manage the procedures coming under it. We are extremely transparent with our services, and will keep you informed about each and every step coming under it.